Eggs in Green Sauce – Frankfurt Style

Goethe’s favorite dishes: boiled potatoes and eggs with green sauce. The healthy-green sauce came from France where it was called “Sauce verte”. In Italy is is popular under the name “Salsa verde” and in Germany it is a specialty of Frankfurt. There they call it “Grie Soss” which means “Gruene Sosse”. You can make it in two different variations but both are containing a minimum of 7 different herbs. It is not that easy to get all of them in the USA. The best is always to buy the seeds and grow your own herbal garden.

ostern_2Back in the time of Goethe, the chopped herbs were for a while in a mix of oil and vinegar, added mashed egg yolk, spices and sour cream to it, then squeezed through a sieve. The green sauce should show the color green, if it is not, then add some spinach juice. Enjoy this original German and traditional recipe – Happy Cooking!

Recipe 1:
3 hard boiled eggs
125ml oil
3 tbsp vinegar
salt, pepper, sugar
6 tbsp chopped herbs: borage, parsley chives, sorrel, cress, salad burnet, chervil (you can also use dill instead of borage and tarragon instead of salad burnet)
(in German Borretsch, Petersilie, Dill, Schnittlauch, Pimpinelle, Kerbel, Sauerampfer, Kresse, the original combination for the green sauce).

Recipe 2 (serves 4)
4 tbsp natural yoghurt
4 tbsp sour cream
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp lemon juice
salt, pepper, little bit of mustard
3 hard boiled eggs
6 tbsp chopped herbs: parsley, cress, chives, borage or dill, salad burnet or tarragon, sorrel, chervil
(in German Borretsch, Petersilie, Dill, Schnittlauch, Pimpinelle, Kerbel, Sauerampfer, Kresse).

Mix all ingredients, place them in a fridge for 1-2 hours.
Serve with boiled beef (or Tafelspitz), boiled potatoes (Salzkartoffeln) or fried potatoes (Bratkartoffeln).

