Cherry Jam with Asbach

cherry jam with Asbach

Cherry Jam with Asbach: If you are tired of buying jams because you love home made jams so much, here is a great German recipes for cherry jam with a bit of the German classic brandy Asbach Uralt. Find more recipes on

Ingredients (makes 5-6 jars depending on the size)
about 1 kg cherries, washed and de-pitted or sour cherries
500 g sugar
1 package pectin
1-2 tbsp lemon juice
1 little (German) Schnaps glass Asbach Uralt

asbach uralt

Cooking Instructions Cherry Jam with Asbach

– take out the pits (if necessary) and puree cherries (not too fine).
– in a large pot mix cherries with sugar, lemon juice, pectin and Asbach, bring to a boil and stir frequently.
– let it boil for 4 minutes, stir continuously.
– prepare jars, rinse them in hot water, dry them then fill with cherry jam, close right away.
– turn jars upside down and let them stand like that for 15 minutes, then turn around and let cool off.

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