The Archbishop of Munich and Freising in southern Germany, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, has condemned recent actions by climate activists.
“Destroying a work of art, I have no understanding for that whatsoever,” Marx said Thursday in Munich at the conclusion of the Freising Bishops’ Conference, the biannual gathering of bishops in the seven diocese of the region.
In their deliberations, the Bavarian bishops had “briefly indicated that (they) do disapprove of certain actions, especially when they endanger other people and when undemocratic slogans come up,” Marx said, adding, “We demonstrate differently.”
The German climate activist group Last Generation has staged numerous demonstrations across the country in recent weeks demanding more decisive action on climate change.
They have faced sharp criticism in Berlin over recent days for some of their protest tactics which included blocking streets and throwing food at priceless artworks in museums.
So far, none of the artworks targetted in Germany have been damaged, but the frames and museum displays have.
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