The Bauhaus rose from the ashes of World War I in Germany 100 years ago. Its utopian ideas, inspired by founder Walter Gropius, attracted architects, artists and craftsmen from all around the world, challenging them to rethink design, its function in society and how it should be taught.
New England became an important Bauhaus hub after the school was closed down by the National Socialists in 1933. Bauhäusler like Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer, Xanti Schawinski, and Anni and Josef Albers taught at local universities and left a legacy of Bauhaus buildings.
This centennial year we invite you to explore Bauhaus in New England and (re)discover how its ideals continue to live on.
Presented as part of Wunderbar Together: The Year of German-American Friendship 2018/19 – an initiative funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, implemented by the Goethe-Institut, and supported by the Federation of German Industries (BDI). More information at www.wunderbartogether.org.
Fore more information please visit www.goethe.de