Love is in the air in the month of May! Check out these wedding traditions from around the globe, starting with, of course, the German tradition!
1. Germany: Baumstamm sägen (sawing the log)
After the ceremony, the bride and groom have to use a two-person crosscut handsaw to cut a large log in half – while still in their bridal clothes! This symbolizes the ways in which they must work together in the future (although, to make it a bit quicker, the log has sometimes already been partially sawed through by the fathers of the bride and groom).
2. The southern USA: Burying the bourbon
In some parts of the South, the bride and groom bury a (full!) bottle of bourbon upside-down at or near the site where they’ll say their vows. This must be done one month before the wedding in order to ward off rain on the wedding day and, whether the weather plays along or not, the bourbon will be dug up, shared, and enjoyed during the reception.
3. Hungary: the bride is for sale!
At the reception, a guest will grab a big bowl or a hat and shout ‘THE BRIDE IS FOR SALE.’ He then puts money in the bowl, passes it on, and starts to dance with the bride. Everyone who adds money has a turn at dancing with the bride, until the groom wants a go. Then, the bride will be ‘kidnapped’ – and the groom must perform for the guests to win her back!
4. Canada: Silly sock dance
In Quebec and other French-speaking parts of Canada, the older, unmarried siblings of the bride and groom perform a dance at the reception while wearing ridiculous, brightly-colored, knitted socks. Guests can show their approval of the dancing display by tossing money at the siblings, which is then (generously) donated to the bride and groom.
To read the whole list of 19 different traditions, view the original article on EliteSingles!