Novocure has entered into an agreement with Stanford University to establish the Stanford School of Medicine Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) Research Program. As the Lucerne-based oncology company explains in a press release, the research program will support both preclinical studies and clinical trips with Novocure’s TTFields.
TTFields are electric fields that exert physical forces to selectively kill cancer cells using a range of mechanisms. Healthy cells are not attacked. According to Novocure’s press release, this therapy can extend survival in some of the most aggressive forms of cancer. Novocure is proving this through completed and ongoing studies on brain metastases, glioblastoma, liver cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.
“We look forward to collaborating with Stanford Medicine to establish a research framework for preclinical and clinical development of TTFields,” says Novocure’s Chief Science Officer Moshe Giladi. “Together, we will enable new discoveries into the mechanisms and treatment possibilities of TTFields, including new indications and uses of TTFields along with other therapies.” The research will also enhance and support the education of future clinicians and scientists.
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