Join the GABA’s new monthly casual get-together in Sacramento on June 20, 2019 from 7 PM – 9 PM. The regular group is every third Thursday of the month.
Come to mingle and network in the casual environment of the GABA Stammtisch. Every month, on a regular schedule (first Wednesday in the East Bay, first Thursday in the North Bay, first Monday in San Francisco, third Wednesday in the South Bay and in Santa Cruz) is the meeting at Bay Area restaurants for a casual get-together.
Everyone is welcome at the GABA Stammtisch whether you are trying to make new connections, exchange ideas, or simply would like to practice your German or English communication skills. No registration needed.
Date and Time: Thursday, Jun 20, 2019, 07:00 PM – 09:00 PM
Location: Der Biergarten, 2332 K. Street, Sacramento, CA 95816
Fore more informations please visit www.gaba-network.org or contact Andrew Woodruff at andrew.m.woodruff@gmail.com