The best way to teach your kids German other than by speaking it at home is exposing them to the larger community, and especially to other children. CityKinder rounded up some of the most popular classes in and around New York for you! It’s amazing to see how many programs are offered!
Find more info below on Rella’s Kinderklassen, German Language School New York, childrens’ classes at Deutsches Haus at NYU, MusiKinderlein, and Musikalische Mäuse.
CityKinder also offers their signature class Baby’s Erstes Jahr for moms (or dads!) with babies again this spring/summer in Hoboken, Manhattan, and Brooklyn as well as their Krabbelgruppe Paulchenbande in White Plains.
Schedule of upcoming classes for your child:
April 12th – Start date Musikalische Mäuse (Upper West Side); Start date MusiKinderlein (Upper East Side)
April 14th-18th – Start dates for Rella’s Spielhaus Kinderklassen
April 20th – Paulchenbande White Plains – start of new class
May 3rd – Baby’s Erstes Jahr Hoboken – start of new class
May 8th – Baby’s Erstes Jahr Manhattan – start of new class