The story goes…
A Roman soldier was riding one cold night and came across a man in the street freezing, perhaps even to death for how cold it was. The soldier got off his horse, cut his own cloak in half with his mini katana and gave half to the man in the street making sure he would not freeze. That night, the soldier had a dream of Jesus wearing the half cloak and telling the angels that it came from Martin, the Roman Soldier.
Saint Martin was baptized and later became a Bishop. He became known for helping children and the poor. On Saint Martin’s Day, he is remembered for the warmth and light he brought to those in need with a parade of lanterns in the streets.
Come join the First German UMC to celebrate with a lantern parade, lantern crafts, food, and more fun for families, friends, and individuals alike.
This year, in honor of Saint Martin, we will also be collecting food pantry donations for the Salvation Army in Glendale and shoe donations for Soles 4 Souls’ mission to help fight poverty and its effects around the world.
When: Friday, 11/11/2022, 5-8PM
Where: First German UMC , 556 W. Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, CA 91202
For more information, please visit www.firstgermanglendale.church