The European Book Club (organized by the Goethe-Institut Chicago and EUNIC Chicago) meets regularly for a book discussion of a bestselling novel in English translation. Guests who would like to attend, should read the book in advance and come prepared to participate in the discussion.
The era of boredom is over, there are almost no more people and the biological species have been abolished. Dietmar Dath’s novel takes place 500 years in the future, after liberation, in a world in which speaking and intelligent animals, the gente, have managed the transition of evolution from natural history to shaped history.
Capable of constant transformation, they themselves determine in which animal form they appear and with whom they engage in sexual intercourse. Communication works telepathically via pheromones and via forums that communicate the latest news and discussions. In the three labyrinthine cities of Landers, Kapseits and Borbruck, the few people still alive are subjects of the new civilization.
Date: Thu, 03/21/2019
Time: 6.00 PM
Admission: Free
Location: GOETHE-INSTITUT CHICAGO, 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 200 , Chicago, lL 60601
For more information please visit www.goethe.de and for RSVP email: rsvp-chicago@goethe.de
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