“Away from the Horde” is a thematic group exhibition featuring a selection of paintings, videos, photographs, and sculptural installations. This exhibition is presented by the Miami International Cultural Alliance and directed by Sophie Videment Dupouy as part of a partnership with the Miami-Dade Public Library System in celebration of the Library’s 11th Annual International Art of Storytelling Festival. Participating countries include Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Haiti, Israel, Italy, Poland, and Uruguay. Participating artists include Daniel Azulay, Daniele Ballerini, Michèle Beaudin, Alice Betancourt, Perez Celis, Ofra Ben David, Ira Eduardovna, Rodrigo Fló, Horst Kohlem, Friedrich Kunath, Wanderson Marccio, Paulo Laborne, Marithou, Philip Ross Munro, Jill Mulleady, Nelson Leirner, Rafal Olbinski, Tomasz Rut, Analía Sandleris, Guy Syllien, Serge Strosberg, and Alicia Torres.
Visit the exhibition in the Miami Main Library, 1st and 2nd floor exhibition space 101 W. Flagler Stree, Miami, FL until May 29 2011. For opening hours please call 305-375-2665