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The End of the American Dream?

April 25, 2011 GW Administrator 0

Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF is known for their brilliant documentaries. Every now and then they focus on the US. “USA: The End of the Dream” is a great look at the current situation in the […]

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Germany: A Nation to Emulate

April 21, 2011 GW Administrator 0

Time Magazine has published the 2011 TIME 100 List. The 100 most influential people in the world, from artists to activits, reformers to researcher, heads of state and captains of industry. And Germany’s Angela Merkel […]

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Happy 200th birthday Robert Bunsen

March 31, 2011 GW Administrator 0

Today’s Google Doodle celebrates German scientist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen. Born March 30th or 31st 1811 in Göttingen, he made essential discoveries, discovered Caesium and Rubidium and developed the “Bunsen Burner”.

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Goodbye Knut

March 19, 2011 GW Administrator 0

Knut Berlin’s beloved Polar Bear who rose to stardom as an icon to fight global warming is dead. Born December 2006 and raised in captivity at the Berlin Zoological Garden he was the first polar […]