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German American Day October 6th

October 2, 2011 GW Administrator 0

On October 2nd, 1987, President Ronald Reagan, in a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House signed the first proclamation into law which made October 6th, National German American Day. This day is […]

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Austrian American Day

September 27, 2011 GW Administrator 0

WILLIAM J. CLINTON XLII President of the United States: 1993-2001 Proclamation 7027 – Austrian-American Day, 1997 September 25, 1997 For more than 200 years, the life of our Nation has been enriched and renewed by […]

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KETTLER USA Celebrates 30th Anniversary

September 7, 2011 GW Administrator 2

Manufacturer and distributor of table tennis and fitness equipment, children’s toys, bicycles and leisure furniture has seen several changes over the past three decades in North America. VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., Aug. 16, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — […]

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Loriot is tot

August 23, 2011 GW Administrator 4

Bernhard Victor Christoph Carl von Bülow, short Vicco, beloved German comedian, better known as Loriot died at age 87. He made a whole nation, not exactly known for its humor, laugh with his sketches and […]