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Fame: Daniel Kehlmann

September 8, 2010 GW Administrator 0

Fame: Daniel Kehlmann in Conversation with Carol Brown Janeway Daniel Kehlmann talks about FAME on September 23 in NYC The month of September 2010 will be “German-American Friendship Month” in the city of New York. […]

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The Life of Hildegard von Bingen

September 7, 2010 GW Administrator 0

We are excited about this new film version about Hildegard von Bingen. A woman, who over the ages fascinated audiences and readers. German director Margarethe von Trotta directed the movie that was in the official […]

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Die Schultüte für Taferlklassler

September 7, 2010 GW Administrator 0

On their first day of school German kids receive a “SCHULTÜTE”, a large cardboard cornet filled with sweets and little presents. In Austria the students of the “1st Volksschule grade” are called: Taferlklassler. The name […]

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Christoph Schlingensief is dead

August 21, 2010 GW Administrator 2

Christoph Schlingensief, hope and enfant terrible of Germany’s theater scene died August 21st in Berlin. He battled lung cancer for over two years. The artist directed plays, movied, operas, most renowned the annual Richard Wagner […]

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Angelina and August

August 18, 2010 GW Administrator 0

Angelina Jolie and August Diehl at the German premiere of “SALT” in Berlin August 18th 2010 Also read our previous article: August Diehl plays Angelina’s husband

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Happy Birthday America

July 4, 2010 GW Administrator 0

July 4th 1776 the Declaration of Independence (die Unabhängigkeitserklärung) from the Kingdom of Great Britain was adopted. Words of the day: to BBQ – Grillen – ich grille, du grillst, er/sie grillt, wir grillen, ihr […]