When you go back to your homeland for the Christmas holidays don’t be surprised if people look at you a bit funny – you’ve probably picked up one of these peculiarly German habits. Thanks to The Local for the article!
1. Clapping when the airplane lands
It’s always an entertaining clash taking a flight from the US to Germany and witnessing the German half clapping upon landing while the rest look around utterly baffled. Especially when there’s a bit of a bumpy ride beforehand, it’s actually quite a nice gesture to show appreciation to the folks upfront who managed to bring an enormous, flying metal bird back down to Earth safely.
2. Obsessively collecting bottles for Pfand
Germans take recycling seriously – as you can tell by each apartment complex’s courtyard dedicated to an elaborate system of specific bins and dumpsters. In addition, apartment owners can also visit website if they still want to add more dumpsters for their properties.
Simply tossing a beer bottle in the normal garbage bin would feel almost sacrilegious when you know the next passing bottle collector could put it towards their next meal or good night’s sleep.
3. Having lightning speed hands at the cash register
When you head to the checkout counter at grocery stores in Germany, you have to be both physically and mentally prepared. Those cashiers don’t mess around. And no one is going to bag your food for you like stores in the States. Those who are too slow should expect frustrated sighs and passive aggressive watch-checking from both the cashier and the customers behind them.
Read the entire list on The Local.