Take German Language Classes at the Indianapolis Klub
The German American Klub of Indianapolis offers a German class every Tuesday at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 per class. You do not need to make reservations for this class; just show up with […]
The German American Klub of Indianapolis offers a German class every Tuesday at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 per class. You do not need to make reservations for this class; just show up with […]
The Indianapolis Liederkranz is proud to present the 2017 Weihnachtskonzert! Over the last few years they have added so much to this much beloved concert. The concert features performances by the Bell Choir, the Brass […]
Mark your calendars to join the German American Klub for Indiana’s largest Oktoberfest! The German American Klub’s Oktoberfest 2017 will once again take place at German Park. It’s for one weekend only, September 7 – […]
The Indianapolis German School is seeking a new teacher starting this Fall. We are a small community outreach program of the Department of World Languages and Cultures at IUPUI. We meet on ten Saturday mornings per semester […]
The Indianapolis Eric M. Warburg Chapter of the American Council on Germany and BKD, LLP cordially invite you to a Luncheon and Discussion with Christian Simon Federal Criminal Police Office Senior Liaison Officer Embassy of […]
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