Germany is reeling from a series of violent attacks which left many dead and wounded: Munich shootings, train axe attack in Würzburg, bombing at a music festival in Ansbach. These shocking events seem never-ending.
With an extensive provision of information, Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland commanded a strong interest from its viewers and users on all platforms.
On Friday RTL Television stopped its current schedule and switched over to several news specials. ‘RTL aktuell’ has been extended to 3h 15min (instead of usually 15min) to provide the viewers with live reports. This has been followed by a mono-thematic ‘Nachtjournal Spezial’.
With audience shares between 11.4 per cent and 18.6 per cent in the target group of viewers aged 14-59, RTL Television has been watched by more than 2 million viewers in Germany at the same time to remain informed about the latest findings. These figures demonstrate that German viewers preferably keep themselves informed with RTL.
All news formats, as well as other comprehensive news coverage over the past weekend, have been broadcast simultaneously by German overseas TV RTL International to inform the German speaking audience worldwide about the current events. RTL International is the only German language TV channel worldwide which is able to react with this degree of rapidness and flexibility to keep its German viewers updated about their homeland.
For more information about RTL International, visit