As part of their Literary Mews Festival, and the PEN World Voices Festival Lit Crawl, Deutsches Haus at NYU presents multiple discussions and presentations on literary and education topics from 6-8 p.m. on May 5. Presentation topics include “Teaching in Times of Trouble: The University as Sanctuary,” “Translating Women’s Voices,” “Female Writers and Resistance” and “Mysticism and Mastery in Middle Eastern Poetry.”
As a writer, how do you teach in troubled times? How political should you be, can you be, and do you want to be? What lessons and insights from the past and from other countries and cultures might provide guidance and shed some light on the complex challenges that professors and teachers in the United States currently find themselves faced with? The accomplished international writers and professors participating in this timely conversation will explore these questions and more as part of the Literary Mews and Lit Crawl.
Location: Deutsches Haus at NYU, 42 Washington Mews, New York, NY 10003
For more event information, click here.