The Germanic American Institute (GAI) just posted their short-run fall classes for adults on special topics. They are listed below:
1. German for Business for Beginners: Two Saturdays, October 28 and November 4, 10 a.m.
Join the GAI for this new class for professionals who travel to German-speaking countries for business and want to learn a few common words & phrases and how to get around. You will also hear about common customs and business practices along with a few useful tips & tricks.
2. Gesprächsrunde – Intermediate level conversation class: Four Tuesdays, November 28 – December 19, 6 p.m.
During this interactive class students will review and speak about current topics and events in German-speaking countries. The format is a facilitated discussion with focus on speaking & conversation and building vocabulary and confidence.
3. Oberstufe Leistungskurs – Literatur unter der Lupe; Aktuelle Kurzgeschichten, Erzählungen und Novellen.
Dieser Kurs ist für Teilnehmer die C1 Kurse absolviert haben, in deutschsprachigen Ländern gelebt haben, Deutsch als ‘Major’ / Hauptfach studiert haben, oder anderweitig Deutsch gelernt haben und jetzt (fast) fliessend sprechen & lesen können. Fokus ist freies Sprechen & Diskussion im Kontext, Lesen, Wortschatz und Grammatik. (Class meets for 8 Saturdays, Nov. 4 to Jan. 20, 2018 at 10am)
Click here to register for any of these classes today! You can also call the GAI Language Services at 651-222-2979.