1. I have faith in Jesus Christ’s life, crucifixion and resurrection– that He was both God and man, and that through Him, I am able to have fellowship with God as I was created to.

    Having faith in Jesus means, preserving against pride in my own ability and growing in a relationship with Him. I serve Him by showing love to other people.

    “Liebe Brüder und Schwestern! Betrachtet es als Grund zur Freude, wenn euer Glaube immer wieder hart auf die Probe gestellt wird. Denn durch solche Bewährungsproben wird euer Glaube fest und unerschütterlich.” Jakobus 1:2-3

  2. I have faith in Jesus Christ’s life, crucifixion and resurrection– that He was both God and man, and that through Him, I am able to have fellowship with God as I was created to.

    Having faith in Jesus means, preserving against pride in my own ability and growing in a relationship with Him. I serve Him by showing love to other people.

    “Liebe Brüder und Schwestern! Betrachtet es als Grund zur Freude, wenn euer Glaube immer wieder hart auf die Probe gestellt wird. Denn durch solche Bewährungsproben wird euer Glaube fest und unerschütterlich.” Jakobus 1:2-3

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