Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Join us for monthly lunchtime gatherings of those interested in hearing and speaking German. Each month, a special guest speaks on a topic. Participants can bring their lunch and join in the ensuing conversation.
Brian Rampp, BMW of North America, LLC, will speak on the topic Deutsche Autos: Vorhut oder Nachzügler?
Led by Irmgard Wagner (professor emerita of German from George Mason University), Deutsch am Mittag is open to all who wish to hear and speak German.
Tickets are $7/$4 (for members, seniors and students with ID). Beverages and sweets are provided.
To ensure an accurate count, RSVP is preferred to Irmgard Wagner at iwagner@gmu.edu.
Tuesday, June 14, 12 – 1:15 pm
Goethe-Institut Washington
The German Cultural Center
812 Seventh St. NW
Washington, DC 20001