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June 5 is World Environment Day

June 4, 2012 GW Administrator 0

Reaching for the Sun: City of Lancaster wins prestigious Energy Globe Award A few days before”World Environment Day”, the City of Lancaster was presented with the Energy Globe Award for the US by Austrian Trade […]

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Grand Design Empire launches new clothing line

March 24, 2012 GW Administrator 0

Fashion Designer Emil Gampe, from EMILcouture and “Dancing with the Stars” designer, Daniela Gschwendtner are introducing a new European-style designer line, Grand Design Empire (“GDE”), designed and manufactured exclusively in Los Angeles, California. “We want […]

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Singer Ute Lemper in Los Angeles

March 14, 2012 GW Administrator 0

Ute Lemper with Vogler Quartet and Stefan Malzew Berlin Nights / Paris Days Ute Lemper’s panache, versatility and sophisticated repertoire have led her to international acclaim. With this brand-new project she delves even deeper into […]

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Austrian Author Michael Stavaric wins

January 17, 2012 GW Administrator 4

Michael Stavaric, Austrian author with Czech roots, was awarded this year’s Adelbert von Chamisso Prize – “a literary prize awarded by Robert Bosch Stiftung since 1985 to non-German authors writing in the German language”. The […]