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Clara Schumann Google Doodle

September 13, 2012 GW Administrator 0

Clara Schumann was a German musician and composer and one of the most distinguished pianists of her time. Today’s Google Doodle commemorating what would have her 193rd birthday. The German composer and classical musician died […]

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Change of Guards in Los Angeles

August 3, 2012 GW Administrator 0

At the Goethe-Institut, Annette Rupp was succeeded in March by Mr. Fareed Majari as new director at the Goethe-Institut L.A. Then in May the program department also experienced a change in personnel. Margit Kleinman, who […]

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Book Tip: Die deutsche Seele

June 4, 2012 GW Administrator 0

Spiegel-Bestseller:  „Die deutsche Seele“ von Thea Dorn und Richard Wagner Buchtipp von Eva-Maria Manz Sie haben sich mit dem Bundeskleingartengesetz und den deutschen Bier- und Wurstsorten beschäftigt, mit den Weimarer Verfassungstexten und den literarischen Werken […]