Iris Eichenberg | Where Words Fail will be the first comprehensive mid-career survey in the United States of this artist’s aesthetic.
Since the mid-1970s, artists worldwide have reacted against the age-old exclusivity and preciousness of jewelry, advocating for conceptual statements creatively fabricated primarily from a wide assortment of nonprecious materials. With a thirty-year and counting studio practice centered first in Europe and now in America, German artist Iris Eichenberg is one of the most influential contributors to this discourse. Instead of focusing on one medium and process, Eichenberg continually seeks to find the craft processes and combination of materials that best suit the idea at hand. An educator and prolific artist who lectures and conducts workshops worldwide, she imparts this methodology to the numerous international jewelry artists who come to study with her.
In today’s world with its outcry for social justice, Eichenberg engages the viewer in conversations that embrace such timely topics as gender and identity, the search for a safe, welcoming haven, and the veracity of reality. In fact, having lived and worked in Germany, the Netherlands, and now the United States, Eichenberg brings to contemporary jewelry and metalwork an unusual multicultural perspective. Better known for her jewelry than the objects that largely constitute her present practice, she has created work that ranges from amuletlike forms to reflective, often wistful installations. One of her underlying subjects is the body, which she references using recurrent motifs in a provocative, at times direct, at times poetic, manner. Read more here
When: Sat, 06/25/2022 – Sun, 10/30/2022
Where: Museum of Craft and Design, 2569 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Language: English
Price: Museum members: Free General admission: $10.00 Students with ID: $8.00 Seniors (65 and older): $8.00 Children (through age 12): Free
For more information, please visit www.goethe.de