Austrian talent enters festival circuit


With “Angst” Austrian director with international roots, Barbara Salehi enters the festival circuit with a bang. The brave little movie combines autobiographical experiences with the topic of the challenging “Instant 36” festival.
We all live with our fears, but where is the line, where our fear overpowers us? How can we conquer our fears? And how do others help or hinder us? A bright moment induced by a red balloon visually depicts the surprising climax to this dark drama of inner fears.
Trust plays and essential part in the relationship between doctor, realistically depicted by Sonia Laszlo and patient, embodied by Leonarda Lerch. After “Dinnertime”, this movie is the second collaboration between the director and the brilliant, young cinematographer Lauren Klocker.

Young women in film are a great combination and it is exciting to see them grace the silver screen as part of this film festival located in Salzburg Austria.