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50 years ago in Berlin

June 27, 2013 GW Administrator 0

President John F. Kennedy famous speech at the Berlin Wall. He blasts Communism, reaffirms American solidarity and declares “Ich bin ein Berliner”. West Berlin, Germany June 26th, 1963 Two thousand years ago–[Kennedy is interrupted by […]

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W. David Braun New AHK USA Chairman

June 20, 2013 GW Administrator 0

German American Chambers of Commerce come together with new joint Board of Directors to reinforce their transatlantic voice – W. David Braun named first Chairman For the first time, the German American Chambers of Commerce […]

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President Obama in Berlin

June 19, 2013 GW Administrator 0

REMARKS BY PRESIDENT OBAMA AT THE BRANDENBURG GATE Pariser Platz, Brandenburg Gate Berlin, Germany 3:29 P.M. CEST PRESIDENT OBAMA: Hello, Berlin! (Applause.) Thank you, Chancellor Merkel, for your leadership, your friendship, and the example of […]